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BIOTON® Biological VOC treatment and odour control

Biological oxydation of VOC and inorganic compounds.

Absorbing and degrading VOC and unpleasent odour.

Socrematic has developed eco-friendly and very efficient solutions for treating Volatile Organic Compounds as well as unpleasant odours. These odours may disturb the surroundings of a site, even if the concentrations in the ambient are minimal. This is the case with polluted air containing nitrogen or sulphur-based compounds as mercaptans, amines, hydrogen sulphur, ammonia, aldehydes, ketones, acrylates and organic acids.

Our BIOTON® and BELAIR® biofilters use moist organic materials to adsorb and then biologically degrade VOC and odorous compounds. The VOC’s are degraded by micro-organisms using the VOC as carbon and energy source. Micro-organisms can only develop in the presence of humidity, air and heat available in the BIOWACK® composted organic material filter.

Our biofilters typically are composed of two sections:

First step : Conditioning of the off-gas

  • Humidify the process gas
  • Cool/heat the gas to the ideal temperature
  • Remove particulates from the gas stream

Second step: VOC and odour degradation

  • The contaminated air passes downward through a biologically active porous medium bed BIOWACK®
  • Water addition compensates for the dehydration of the medium bed caused by biological oxidation

Advantages VOC and odour biofiltration

  • Relatively low capital cost
  • Very low operating cost
  • High VOC and odour destruction
  • Environment friendly technology - no chemicals or supplemental fuels required
  • Proven technology (>120 references)
  • High availability

BIOTON® biofilter

BIOTON® biofilter is SOCREMATIC’s proprietary biofilter, acquired from MECS-DuPont.

The BIOTON® biofilter consists of a humidifier and biofilter compartment. Before entering the biofilter compartment, the off-gas is led to a humidifier in order to cool off the gas and to remove dust particulates and contaminants.

Due to intensive contact between the air and the BIOTON® filtration media in the biofilter compartment, the VOC and inorganic compounds will be absorbed in the biofilm where the biological oxidation into harmless end products will proceed (H2O, CO2, and new bacteria).

BELAIR® biofilter with organic BIOWACK material

The contaminated gases are passed through a BIOWACK® material that has a water phase in which the micro-organisms are immobilized. Typically, the BIOWACK® material consists of organic material, containing difficult to degrade components such as cellulose and lignin, accompanied by a large amount of cell matter, dead and alive. This provides a source of nutrients for the micro-organisms, as well as serving as a matrix to support the water phase.

Ideally, to minimize power consumption, the filter material should have a low resistance to gas flow. The BIOWACK® has a high capacity to retain water without becoming saturated, a low bulk density, structural integrity, a capacity to buffer acidification of the filter material and the ability to buffer peak concentrations of contaminants. The water phase, which is stationary, is formed by water absorbed in the BIOWACK® material.

Facing VOC and odour treatment challenges?

Get in touch for obtaining more insights on how to eliminate VOC and unpleasant odours. Start eliminating the causes of discomfort today. Contact us today.